Plaque build-up in arteries is formed over the course of many years. Our body needs cholesterol for many activities like building new cells and some hormones.

This cholesterol comes from two sources: liver and our diet. The cholesterol is then infused with the blood to be transported to other parts where it is required.

However, sometimes while the blood is flowing in the arteries, the cholesterol may be left behind.

There are two types of cholesterol: LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) Since, LDL does not properly dissolve with the blood as HDL does, it tends to stick the walls of the arteries.

This attracts the body’s immune system which sends white blood cells to fight it.

They eventually die and cause inflammation in the process, hardening the walls of arteries.

This is what is known as plaque build-up in arteries.

The condition of having clogged arteries due to plaque build-up is called atherosclerosis. This plaque build-up in arteries can obstruct the blood flow in our body and can cause serious health problems.

Deaths from heart attacks and strokes caused by this condition are the highest in the world.

So, when you are diagnosed with this condition doctors prescribe medications like statins to avoid further complications.

What do statins do?

Statins are one of the most common drugs prescribed by doctors for persons diagnosed with atherosclerosis.

They are aimed at stopping plaque build-up in arteries from causing further complications or getting worse. How do they do it?

They block an enzyme from being secreted in the liver that is responsible for the production of cholesterol.

This helps to lower the blood cholesterol levels which in turn reduces the chances of more plaque formation.

This way it keeps heart diseases and further complications at bay.

Do statins reverse plaque build-up in arteries?

Most drugs in the market only have the potential to reduce future risks of clogged arteries by preventing it from becoming worse.

However, researchers are always looking for a drug that could potentially reverse plaque build-up.

So, when statins proved to be effective in keeping the complications at bay, they wanted to see if it will be able to reverse it.

A study was conducted where large doses of statins were given to subjects over a period of two years.

While taking these doses the subjects also managed their diets to keep their LDL levels low.

After 2 years, the subjects found on an average 24% reduction in the clogged arteries. So, yes statins can reverse plaque build-up in arteries.

However, there is a catch. Like many other drugs in the market, statins come with side effects.

Taking statin regularly has been proven to increase the chance of getting type 2 diabetes.

As you increase your dose, your risk of getting type-2 diabetes increases.

The best way to reverse plaque-up in arteries is a natural way. It does not come with any side effects and is also better for your overall health.

The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy


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